
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Pomegranate: Strengthen Bones, Vitalizes the Heart and Mind!

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

The use of sweet pomegranate is very beneficial for those that have incalescence prone bodies, feel thirstier, have a dry mouth and complain about palpitation and dysphoria. It has also proved fruitful for the treatment of jaundice patients. Pomegranate builds hemoglobin and strengthens the liver organ.

The pomegranate is among those trees whose roots, bark, fruit, flowers and even its peels hold healing characteristics in itself. Pomegranate contains protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin C that help in maintaining our body’s potential energy. These are also necessary in making bones strong, building hemoglobin and vitalizing the heart and mind. Pomegranates are largely of three types:

1. Sweet pomegranate,

2. Sour pomegranate

3. Sweet and sour pomegranate.

Pomegranates have various medicinal advantages.

Sweet pomegranate: this type of pomegranate is of great advantage to people that have incalescence prone bodies, feel thirstier, have a dry mouth and complains about palpitation and dysphoria. It has also proved fruitful for the treatment of jaundice patients. Pomegranate builds hemoglobin and strengthens the liver organ.

Treatment of chronic cough: roast pomegranate peels on a flat pan and make a concoction after boiling the peels in water. This can be used in case of prolonged or chronic cough. Besides this, crush pomegranate seeds and squash out the juice. Cook it with sugar and make sticky syrup. This is known as sweetened beverage. This syrup is also available in the market with the name of ‘sweetened pomegranate’ and widely used in the treatment of afore mentioned problem. Research has proved that pomegranate has antibacterial qualities which is why it is very valuable for the patients of tuberculosis. Weak and frail body becomes healthy energized with the regular consumption of pomegranates.


Sour pomegranate: in the opinion of herbalists, this kind of pomegranate has a cold and dry efficacy. Owing to its characteristics, the sour pomegranate invigorates the heart and ensures the proper functioning of the liver organ. The ardency and pressure of blood reduces with its regular usage. It balances fidgetiness and helps in the prevention of nausea and vomiting. It has the competency to cause constipation due to which it aids in acting as a shield against diarrhea especially the stools that cause inflammation. The juice of sour pomegranate is used in food digesting medicines as well as medications prescribed for strengthening the stomach and intestines. Other than that, the syrup made out of sour pomegranate seeds is sold by the name of ‘sour pomegranate syrup’ ( Sharbat-e-Anaar Tursh). Along with the above advantages, it is also used as a favourite beverage to serve guests in the month of September.

Sweet and sour pomegranate: this kind of pomegranate has both the characteristics of sweet as well as sour pomegranates.

Flowers of pomegranate: pomegranate flowers belong to such trees that do not bear the pomegranate fruit. They help in causing constipation and stopping bleeding. It is due to these distinctive qualities that these are given solely or mixed in medicines to help stop bleeding from any part of the body. Due to its procuring tendency, it aids in shrinking the gums and strengthens loose teeth.

Pomegranate seeds: pomegranate seeds fortify the digestive system which counters the problem of loss of appetite. It is effective in the prevention of nausea and vomiting. It also eliminates bitterness of the mouth. Pomegranate seeds are famously used in homemade sauces.

Physical Weakness: take two cups juice of sweet and sour pomegranate and mix it with one cup citrus lemon juice. Then thoroughly mix twenty flowers of Chinese Hibiscus discarding the stem out of it. Fill this mixture in a large bottle and cover its mouth thoroughly. After 24 hours, take out the juice from the bottle and strain it. Put it back and place a cork on its mouth and let it rest for 8 days. It is important to place the cork tightly otherwise the juice will evaporate. The juice will clarify further during this time span. Take two teaspoons full of this juice mixed with one cup of fennel seed juice. This helps in making a frail body strong, fights palpitation, provokes appetite and treats insomnia.

Loss of appetite: putting salt and pepper powder on pomegranate seeds and sucking its juice helps in curing stomachache and improves appetite.

Treatment of threadworms: the inner and outer peels of pomegranate have been found very effective in the treatment of threadworms. Similarly, drinking an infusion of pomegranate root bark helps in destroying other types of intestinal worms.


Diseases of the stomach and liver organ: for the treatment of stomach and liver, keep one liter of pomegranate juice in a clean vessel for a few hours. Then transfer it to another bowl and mix 250 grams of rock sugar (misri). Then mix 10 grams of fennel seed powder in this mixture. Tightly close the bottle cap and keep it in the sun. Start drinking this mixture after a week. Use a total of 6 grams to 30 grams twice in a day.


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